Purple Glamour RETRO REDRESS Vintage Barbie Doll – Foam N Colour Barbie #14457 in dress from Fashion Pack #4125 – Mattel (1995)


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Vintage Barbie doll in NOT ORIGINAL OUTFIT.

Overall good played with condition.

Vintage Barbie Fashion dress in overall good condition. Top neckline hem at front has been restitched by hand (ok job). Elastic on top hem & wasitband all in good condition. Dress is from BARBIE Fashion Pack #4125 (1987) and has “A Genuine Barbie Fashion” tag (but is a newer style one).  Shoes & necklace are modern Barbie. Earrings are original. Ring  belt & bag are unknown – Barbie or clone doll….?.  Bag has a split to the front where the button hole is. No stains, holes or undone seams.

Doll has been washed & hair brushed. Hair is lovely & soft. No cut hair or missing hair plugs or frizz. Hair has been boil washed, conditioned and bangs have been reset.

No pen/texta marks, loose joints, rubbed make-up or vinyl cancer.

Body Type: (c) 1966 vintage body; ball-jointed head & shoulders; TNT waist & hip joints; vinyl-click legs; 5-points of articulation
Head Type: (c) 1976

Model: #9601

Country of Manufacture: CHINA

DIMENSIONS: ~ 29cm Tall