BRATZ BABYZ DOLL Storybook Collection CLOE’S ICE ADVENTURES – ICE SKATES / SHOES – MGA Entertainment (2007)


Good played with condition.

Spot cleaned & hair brushed. Original hair-do.  Hair in good condition – not cuts, frizz or missing hair plugs.

Nude – no clothes or accessories.

No pen/texta marks. No loose joints. No rubbed make-up. No vinyl cancer.

Body Type:  (c) 2004, 5-points of articulation, all joints are TNT (twist n turn)

Head Type: n/a

Country of Manufacture: CHINA

DIMENSIONS: ~ 12.5cm Tall


1 in stock


In 2007 the Storybook collection was released. Continuing on with rooted hair rather than molded, each doll also came with its own quality story board book. Each doll was dressed in theme with the story…very cutesy & imagination inspiring!