Action Man KICKBOXER – Missing sash – Hasbro (1996)


1 in stock


Good played with condition. Only missing black waist sash.

Spot cleaned. Molded hair – no rubbed paint.

Has some ingrained to feet and back of right arm – has picked up dye from the red plastic accessories.

Outfit is in good condition. Decals on front has no damage. Elastic in good condition. No holes.

A couple of black marks to back…I haven’t tried to wash for fear of losing the gold shine to fabric.

No pen/texta marks. No bites/chews. Some red dye marks to feet and back of right arm.

No loose joints. No rubbing to painted surfaces. No vinyl cancer.

Body Type:  (c) 1995, 5-points of articulation & vinyl-click legs, TNT head & arms,  ball-jointed hips, holes to feet base.

Head Type: N/A

Model: N/A

Country of Manufacture: N/A

DIMENSIONS: ~ 29cm Tall